15 Month Favorites // Sawyer

Friday, April 8, 2016
Can't believe our little Sawyer is 15 months already!! I want to keep track of as much as I can, so making blog posts about it will be the easiest way for me! :)

Touch and feel baby animals book- Sawyer has been playing and touching the animals on this book for months!
Melissa & Doug knob puzzles- Melissa and Doug are my homies. Everything they make is awesome! Sawyer loves picking these pieces up and throwing them everywhere.
B. Baa baa farm house- Sawyer will go into his room at night by himself and play with this for 20 minutes! He loves the little balls filled with corn :)
Step 2 Wagon- Both my boys love this wagon so much but Sawyer loves getting in and out with the door. My favorite part...it has 2 cup holders, seat belts, AND storage under 1 seat.
Little Tykes play kitchen- I told myself that I would never buy my boys a play kitchen because its too "girly" ...um what? They both loved playing with them at friends houses and I saw one at Once upon a Child for $25 so I got it and they both play for so long!!

I love seeing what other kids love and it always helps me plan Christmas/Birthday presents, so thought I would share :)

Age: 15 months

Stats: 25 lbs. (80th percentile), 30 1/4 inches (10-25th percentile)

Clothes: 12-18 & 18 months mostly. Have to roll pants up most of the time!

Favorite Foods: Strawberries, grilled cheese,  blueberries, applesauce, chicken nuggets, lasagna, bread, crackers

Words: hi, mama, dada, night night ( ni ni ), yay, no, all done (ah da), and bye. (favorite word is no right now-says it when he means yes too :)

 Favorite Activities: Playing with brother, eating, playing outside with wagon (gets in and out over and over), petting animals (goats & dogs), running around the house with blankie, jumping on the couch (naughty), getting into cabinets, playing with toy balls, and taking baths :)

Least favorite activities: Waiting for mommy and daddy at church nursery. Getting face wiped. When he has to wait longer than 3 seconds on food.  He's VERY chill baby!

Mommy & daddy's Favorites: When he wont go to anyone else when mommy is holding him (hehe), his gapped tooth smile, his bow legged run, how happy he gets when he sees us & how cuddly he is!

Other Milestones: Learning how to jump, sleeping better (if he wakes up at night, we can get him back to sleep usually quick) & he's been sleeping in past 5:30 lately!!! ( I probably just jixed it), gives high fives and kisses.

Love this sweet boy!!

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